Tacloban, City, Philippines
Social Media Marketer
Local Time - 09:03 AM
About Me
The onset of covid 19 pandemic taught people to adapt to the new normal and one of those is to work from home. The new setup also made it possible for people to make use of their resources at home and one of those is to apply for jobs that would only require them to work from the comfort of their homes with the help of their computers and the internet. One of the known job people nowadays have engaged in is Social Media Marketing. Honestly, if not for this pandemic I would not be able to learn about the work. Having done my research about Social Media Marketing I can say that I am fit for the job, I want to try and learn new things I have not done before. I am observant of my environment where I can get new ideas. I believe that this personality of mine would be of great help to me as a freelancer and learn new ideas that would help me improve. I have tried doing part time jobs and volunteer work that enabled me to learn and have first hand experience of being an employee.
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