MD.Yeasin Islam-Freelancer in Faridpur,Bangladesh

MD.Yeasin Islam

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Faridpur, Bangladesh

Deta Entry


Local Time - 09:21 AM

Current Availability

Full-time : 30+ hrs/week

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Dear Hiring Manager

I am excited for the opportunity to be considered for the position of Data Entry Clerk for Innovation University. I have several years of experience in entering data from multiple sources, and I take pride in my accuracy and speed in transcribing and transferring data into relevant data repositories. I am used to working with various types of source data for data entry purposes, and I also am very experienced with multitasking for other office duties as needed. I thrive in a fast paced environment, such as exists in an educational system with many incoming students.

My time at Harper Insurance has been spent productively in assisting the agents by entering data accurately and expeditiously into the companys nationwide database. This data was sourced from new clients, existing clients and from generated leads. Some of the data was derived from paper sources, and some was sourced from electronic databases. I was able to help our office achieve its monthly goals for new business with my efficiency and ability to accurately feed information into the system quickly.

I am skilled at using many Microsoft Office programs, such as Excel and Word. I have much experience in Excel and have taken Excel classes. I can easily and efficiently design and manipulate spreadsheets and add functions and macros to analyze the data. I have familiarity with various capture and conversion software programs. At Harper Insurance, I used our in house software to convert our electronic data into our company databases. Besides data entry, my other duties consisted of answering the phone, typing correspondence, running the printer and providing general assistance to the office staff.

Thank you for your kind consideration of my application for Data Entry Clerk. I am looking forward to hearing more about Innovation University and its goals for processing student and personnel data to better serve the student and staff population. I am pleased with the prospect of working in an institution that provides an educational service for so many.


MD.Yeasin Islam

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