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Freelancers in Serra

Truelancer is a curated freelance marketplace with thousands of top rated Freelancers in Serra
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Hire Freelancers in Serra and Experts

Find & Hire Freelancers in Serra who are professionals offering their expertise in various Freelance Services to businesses near Serra and around the world. Serra is home to a large pool of talented and experienced freelancers who can help businesses with professional services in Serra. Freelance services in Serra are quite affordable on our platform compared to hiring full-time employees.

Truelancer.com provides all types of Freelancers with a range of skilled and talented freelancers in Serra. We offer the opportunity to save 50% of your business cost by hiring Serra freelancers.

Expert freelancers for hire in Serra are skilled in using the latest tools and techniques to deliver effective results for their clients for anytype of Freelancers jobs in Serra . With the help of freelancers in Serra, businesses can get their work done quickly. Using Truelancer.com is 100% safe as the money is released to the freelancers after you are 100% satisfied with the work.


Only Pro Freelancers



Silvia Guimarães Suzart Silva-Freelancer in Serra,Brazil

India Serra, Brazil

Prodcut manager

With a strong background as a Product Manager and Product Owner, I have developed expertise in managing digital product lifecycles, from conception to delivery....

$ 20/hr

Raquel Mendes Gonçalves-Freelancer in Serra negra,Brazil

India Serra negra, Brazil

Analista de Qualidade SR.

Sou a Raquel, tenho 36 anos, formada em Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistema. Tenho experiência há 14 anos na função de analista de testes e qualidade de desenv...

$ 12/hr

Bruno Vieira-Freelancer in Serra,Brazil

India Serra, Brazil

iOS Developer

Greetings! Im Bruno Soares da Silva Vieira, an adept iOS developer with a passion for leveraging cutting edge technologies to craft robust mobile applications....

$ 45/hr

Wilhelm Philipp Ratkevicius-Freelancer in Itapecerica da Serra,Brazil

Traffic Manager

My arrival in Digital Marketing began when I had an opportunity to represent the Facebook brand as a Marketing Expert, since then, I discovered that in addition...

$ 5/hr

Joao Domingues-Freelancer in Taboão da Serra,Brazil


Im an experienced voice actor. Ive been operating in the voice market for over 7 years. My voice is gentle, friendly and conveys reliability. I recorded voiceov...

$ 50/hr

Milena Zenardi-Freelancer in Araçoiaba da Serra,Brazil

Front End Developer

Ive worked for 8 months with web development, using JavaScript, HTML, CSS, React, Node.js. Actually I am a SAP EWM consultant, but I want to come back to front...

$ 50/hr

George Lucas Caminha Maciel-Freelancer in Taboão da Serra,Brazil

Data Analyst | Data Engineer

Estudante de Ciência da Computação com 2 anos de experiência em Engenharia de Dados e Análise de Dados. Especializado na construção e gestão de pipelines de da...

$ 10/hr

André Chiquito-Freelancer in Araçoiaba da Serra,Brazil

Software Development

Com uma trajetória de mais de 20 anos, dediquei me ao desenvolvimento de soluções web inovadoras, destacando me na criação de interfaces intuitivas e sistemas r...

$ 60/hr

Kamylla Almeida-Freelancer in Taboão da Serra,Brazil

Operations analyst / costumer service

Seasoned customer service professional with 7 years of experience in delivering exceptional support and service across diverse industries. Adept at building str...

$ 12/hr

Paulo Giachetto-Freelancer in Serra Negra,Brazil

UI / UX Desidner

Sou UI Designer especializado em design minimalista. Crio interfaces intuitivas e experiências que conectam marcas e pessoas. Valorizo a simplicidade, a usabili...

$ 10/hr

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