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Freelancers in Bengkulu

Truelancer is a curated freelance marketplace with thousands of top rated Freelancers in Bengkulu
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Hire Freelancers in Bengkulu and Experts

Find & Hire Freelancers in Bengkulu who are professionals offering their expertise in various Freelance Services to businesses near Bengkulu and around the world. Bengkulu is home to a large pool of talented and experienced freelancers who can help businesses with professional services in Bengkulu. Freelance services in Bengkulu are quite affordable on our platform compared to hiring full-time employees.

Truelancer.com provides all types of Freelancers with a range of skilled and talented freelancers in Bengkulu. We offer the opportunity to save 50% of your business cost by hiring Bengkulu freelancers.

Expert freelancers for hire in Bengkulu are skilled in using the latest tools and techniques to deliver effective results for their clients for anytype of Freelancers jobs in Bengkulu . With the help of freelancers in Bengkulu, businesses can get their work done quickly. Using Truelancer.com is 100% safe as the money is released to the freelancers after you are 100% satisfied with the work.


Only Pro Freelancers



Yudhid Purwa Waskita-Freelancer in Bengkulu,Indonesia

Data Entry Clerk

Experience working for 1 year and 5 months on Data Entry team in Start up Education Learning Company name CoLearn in Indonesia. Proven track record of accuracy,...

$ 2/hr

Naufal Hamid-Freelancer in Bengkulu,Indonesia

India Bengkulu, Indonesia

Software Tester

As a Manual QA Tester, I specialize in testing web and mobile applications. I focus on creating test scenarios, writing test cases, and identifying defects. I a...

$ 30/hr

Ilham Kesuma-Freelancer in Bengkulu,Indonesia

India Bengkulu, Indonesia

Mathematic Education

I am a student of Bengkulu University majoring in Mathematics Eduication who is currently actively studying in the sixth semester. I am active in various activi...

$ 20/hr

Abdi Bayu-Freelancer in Bengkulu,Indonesia

India Bengkulu, Indonesia

Digital Marketing, entry data, design poster

I am a multitalented person who is looking for full time or part time work

$ 10/hr

Bulan Okti Lestari-Freelancer in Bengkulu,Indonesia

India Bengkulu, Indonesia

Voice Over Berita

saya merupakan voice over atau pengisi suara berita di salah satu stasiun televisi lokal. saya biasa membacakan berita dan beberapa iklan komersil maupun nonkom...

$ 15/hr

Fikri Ibnu Fauzan-Freelancer in Bengkulu,Indonesia

India Bengkulu, Indonesia

Graphict desaigner

i am profesional grafic desain feed instagram

$ 2/hr

Farel Luktama-Freelancer in Bengkulu,Indonesia

India Bengkulu, Indonesia

Excel Data Entry

Excel data entry

$ 2/hr

Ahmad Doni Saputra-Freelancer in Bengkulu,Indonesia

India Bengkulu, Indonesia


Hi. My name is Ahmad Doni Saputra from Indonesia. My passion is Image Editing and Video Editing. Absolutely the kind of work I love and is my specialty! Wor...

$ 10/hr

Reka Juliyenti-Freelancer in Bengkulu,Indonesia

India Bengkulu, Indonesia

Beginner writter

Hi, Im reka. 28 year old woman! Im new in freelance world, I feel Soo proud to my self because I can to try it.

$ 3/hr

Susandi-Freelancer in Bengkulu,Indonesia

Customer Experience Specialist

A dedicated and results driven professional with a diverse background in retail engagement, customer experience, and business operations. I currently work as a...

$ 5/hr

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